Collins Waterfront Architectural District in Miami Beach

3 March 2025 | Author/Destination: | Rubric: General, Architecture, Miami / South Florida Reading Time:  3 minutes

Faena Complex Building © Daniel Di Palma/cc-by-sa-4.0

Faena Complex Building © Daniel Di Palma/cc-by-sa-4.0

The Collins Waterfront Architectural District is a historic district in Miami Beach, Florida, that includes 110 contributing buildings and structures built in the late 1940s, 1950s and 1960s, centering on Collins Avenue. The predominant styles include moderne, Art Deco and Mediterranean Revival architecture, as well as the local Miami Modern style. The chief contributing resources are large resort hotels. The district is bounded by the Atlantic Ocean on the east, and by 24th Street, Indian Creek Drive, Pine Tree Drive and the Collins Canal. The district is part of Mid-Beach.   read more…

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